Engaging the Authentic Prophetic Voice
Engaging the Authentic Prophetic Voice was initially used as a training manual in an advanced school of prophets. This book covers the importance of the prophetic voice, the development of the prophetic ear, the process of learning the prophetic sound of God, and the danger of heeding false prophetic voices. Included also is an entire chapter devoted to practical and relevant prophetic exercises that help to develop the gift of discernment through Holy Scripture that prophets need to accurately and precisely convey the Word of the Lord on any given matter.
Engaging the Authentic Prophetic Voice can be used as a training manual, a self-study on prophetic ministry, or as a supplement to Bible Studies. Many insightful Biblical passages pertaining to the prophets will be very helpful even for the beginner Bible Student. Strong enough for the mature prophet and plain enough for the novice prophet, Engaging the Authentic Prophetic Voice will be a book you won't want to put down until you have finished reading it. Order your copy today.